These are some awesome sites that have more than my site will have for a while, so go check them out!
This is a friend of mine's site, and it's got wonderful vids, info, pics, and rangers of the month. Blame her for my
wanting a site :p haha.
This is Rick's awesome site! He's got downloads, pics, music vids, info, just about everything!
This one has got an awesome variety of stuff and constant Mystic Force updates. It's lacking a bit on the info part,
other than that, it's pretty good, not to mention you can download any PR song from there.
Another of my faves, this one has TONS of info and a few Sentai links as well.
A great site with sources for all things PR, it even has links for Emma Lahana's (Kira Ford) un-officical forum!
Hundreds of thousands of pics, including original concept art, I reccomend you check this one out if you're lookin for
This site is never updated, but it's one of my earlier attempts at a Nature's Fury fansite. It's got some pics and stuff,
nothing this site won't have in good time.
If you like Forums, here are some others.
Here's some fanfiction too, which I obviously love to read.
And last but not least, if you feel the need to get in touch with me, you can visit my myspace, or Email me.