The new powers the Rangers recieve are the Turbo Powers, the first created by humans, and these
powers let the rangers keep their colors.Turbo Zords, super powered cars capable of growing 200 feet and forming the Turbo
Megazord, are composed of: Red Lightning Red 1, Mountain Blaster Blue 2, Desert Thunder Green 3, Dune Star Yellow 4, and Wind
Chaser Pink 5. Rocky, having injured his back severely, coul not partake in the adventure, so a young boy that happened to
overhear Zordon speaking to the rangers, named Justin, was called into action as the youngest ranger ever.
The rangers travel to Muranthias to stop Divatox from marrying an ancient demon named Maligore, and then return home in time
for a recently turned evil Kim and Jason to help out at the Little Angels Haven youth shelter. Eventually,
Lerigot of Liaria, the wizard Divatox kidnapped to get to Muranthias, freed Zordon of Rita's spell that kept him trapped in
the time warp, and Zordon and Alpha left for Eltare with Dimitria and Alpha 6 as their replacements.
The rangers go on under Dimitria's guidance and aquire a new teammate named Blue Senturion, who is an intergalactic police
officer and tells the rangers that the galaxy's evil will unite to conquer the galaxy...
The four oldest rangers graduate and Dimitria sends Tommy, Tanya, Kat, and Adam off on their own separate lives
and enter Theodore Jay Jarvis Johnson (AKA-TJ), Ashley Hammond, Cassie Chan, and Carlos Vallertes, respectively replacing
the graduates. The arrangement works for a while, and the rangers are
helped several times by a mystery ranger known as the Phantom Ranger, a ranger composed of every ranger past and present.
His source of power is the ruby on his chest and it allows him to become invisible. The Phantom ranger gave the Turbo Rangers
rescue zords when their Turbo Zords were taken by Divatox's brother, General Havoc. The Rescue Zords were Fire Tamer, Siren
Blaster, Thunder Loader, Star Racer, and Wind Rescue and were all capable of transforming from a vehilce to a robot,
and forming the Rescue Megazord. Phantom Ranger also gave the rangers his own Zord, Artillatron, which was the carrier zord.
Tired of failing, Divatox sent Goldgoyle to destroy the rangers, and he destroys the Turbo and Rescue Megazords, but
TJ stops Goldgoyle as he sends the Turbo RAM into its mouth. After returning to an empty power Chamber, as Dimitria
had left to help with the battle on Eltare, the rangers were forced to fight hordes of Pirhanatrons, but the Power Chamber
was inevitably destroyed... Before Divatox could find and finish
the rangers, a new being known as Dark Specter called Divatox to an important meeting and announced the kidnapping of
Zordon. Four powerless rangers, TJ, Carlos, Ashley, and Cassie, launched off in a nasada space ship in order to find and rescue
zordon while Justin stayed on earth with his dad. What would await our rangers in the depths of space?
Adam Park,
Carlos Vallertes
Tanya Sloan,
Ashley Hammond
Katherine Hillard,
Cassie Chan
Fire Tamer
Siren Blaster
Thunder Loader
Star Racer
Wind Rescue