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Auto Blaster & Turbo Blades:
      Auto Blasters were standard weapons issued to each Turbo ranger as a sidearm that looked like a red sports car. In the morphing sequence, the Auto Blaster would appear attached to the ranger belt, then the rest of the suit would appear in flashes, and the helmet would click shut. The Auto Blaster also had a more powerful mode, which was more expanded and could combine with the Turbo Navigator.
     The Turbo Blades were red handled swords that were able to be summoned from behind the Auto Blaster holsters. The Turbo Blade had a trapezoidal draw device that could be pulled for an extra boost of power.
Senturion Synergizer:
               This strange device belonged to the Intergalactic cop, Blue Senturion, and was his badge, saber, and blaster. It also had three multicolored lights on it: Light Blue, Yellow, and Red.

Turbo Lightning Sword