The original leader of the first 5 demons released, Diabolico often mentioned bringing back
Queen Bansheera, who we later meet. Diabolico is powered by the Star Power, a red star located where his collar bone would
be. Diabolico was destroyed by the Lightspeed Solarzord, but was resurrected by his loyal friends Vypra and Loki. Diabolico
was then put under a spell by Olympius where he became mindless. Carter managed to snap him out if it but Olympius just used
the spell again. Diabolico and Olympius managed to destroy the Lightspeed, Super Train, and Max Solarzord Megazords before
Diabolico was finally destroyed.
Vypra is a warrior demon and one of Diabolico's best generals. She was very
clever and fought bravely against the rangers and also had a vehicle known as the Vyprari, a type of dune buggy. Vypra was
betrayed by Olympius, so she and Loki revived Diabolico to overthrow Olympius. Vypra was inevitably destroyed by Queen Bansheera
when she absorbed her. A year later, she returned and sought out the Solar Amulet to revive an ultimate demon. The Time Force
and Lightspeed Rescue rangers teamed up and managed to destroy the undead demon princess.
Loki was Diabolico's best friend and general. He was more powerful than Vypra and the
two were tricked by Olympius. Angered at the betrayal, Loki and Vypra resurrected Diabolico to overthrow Olympius. Loki was
then inadvertently by Queen Bansheera, who was controlling Diabolico and ordered him to fire upon Loki and the Rangers.
Impus was the baby form of Olympius and the son of Queen Bansheera. When Diabolico
was destroyed by the rangers the first time, his Star Power was transferred to Impus, who transformed into Olympius. As Olympius
he comes close to destroying the rangers on many accounts. He is later trapped inside the Shadow World but rescued by the
ever faithful Jinxer. Olympius mind controlled Diabolico who helped him destroy the Lightspeed, Super Train, and Max Solarzord
Megazords. Olympius was destroyed by the LifeForce Megazord.
Jinxer is a noble demon but wicked at the same time. He comes up with plans and
spells to defeat the rangers and is always the one to make a monster grow. He uses tarot type cards to control things and
is constantly helping for his Queen's cause. Jinxer managed to hypnotize Captain Mitchell on one occasion, and also stole
the Omega Megazord to plant stones of a foundation for the Queen's new palace. Jinxer was killed when the Omega Megazord was
destroyed by Carter, Ryan, and the MAV.
Queen Bansheera:
Queen Bansheera is the queen of all demons and mother of Impus/Olympius. She advises
Olympius and Diabolico in their attacks on Mariner Bay and is so wicked that she cares only about herself. She was returned
to the human plane by a spell, but was severely deformed because the spell was interrupted by Ryan. She obtained her full
form by absorbing Vypra, then she controlled Diabolico and ordered him to destroy the rangers and Loki, of which he only destroyed
Loki. Queen Bansheera was locked away in the tomb by Carter and Ryan's combined efforts where she remains locked away in the
Shadow World.
Batlings are the grunts of Queen Bansheera's army. They are rather
expendable and always attack the rangers at inconvient times. They normally carry short swords into battle and every once
in a while put up a fight.