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Rescue Zords:
         The Rescue Zords were the Lightspeed Rescue Rangers first zords. Pyro Rescue 1, Aqua Rescue 2, Aero Rescue 3, Haz Rescue 4, and Med Rescue 5 are the Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink rangers zords. They each have special functions and can form the Lightspeed Megazord, or Aqua, Haz, and Med Rescue can combine to form Hydro Mode--a form used for further extinguishing range.
Lightspeed Megazord: Comprised of the 5 rescue Zords, the Lightspeed Megazord is equipped with the Lightspeed Megazord Saber, which can perform a fire circle slash when a power up slash isn't enough. It also has Lader Arm capabilities, which can extend to deliver powerful punches or carry large foes. It is arranged like so: Pyro Rescue 1=Arms/Torso, Hydro Rescue 2=Waist/thighs, Aero Rescue 3=Head, Haz Rescue 4=left leg, Med Rescue 5=Right Leg. It was destroyed by Olympius and Diabolico in battle.
Rail Rescues:
     The Rail Rescues transport the Rescue Zords or the Omegazords. The Rail Rescues are capable of transforming into a giant megazord known as the SuperTrain Megazord. Super Train 1=right arm, Super Train 2=Left Arm, Super Train 3=Head/Torso, Super Train 4=left leg, Super Train 5=Right Leg. They were destroyed by Olympius and Diabolico in battle.
         The Omegazords were designed in case of outerspace emergency. The rangers used them to destroy an asteroid sent to Earth by Olympius. The Omegazords are Omegazord Red, Omegazord Blue, Omegazord Green, Omegazord Yellow, and Omegazord 5. The Omegazord can combine to form a crawler mode, in which Pink and Yellow form the front legs, Blue forms the back legs, green forms the waist, and red forms the body.
Omega Megazord:
         The Omega Megazord is a formidable megazord, in that it has a crawler mode, a javelin, and can be equipped with the Lightspeed Megazord Saber, or Powered Up by the Lost Galaxy Rangers. It's layout is the same as the crawler, only red also ejects a head and blue becomes the arms. Ryan and Carter destroyed this Megazord with the Mobile Armor Vehicle when Jinxer took it over.
Max Solarzord:
     The Max Solarzord was used by the Titanium Ranger, in order to combine with the Lightspeed Megazord. This spacecraft could transform into a formidable robot that could perform acrobatic stunts to defeat its enemies and was equipped with a blaster sheild that absorbed blasts only to shoot back. It could apparently be controlled by way of telepathy or the battle boosters in Ryan's absence. It was destroyed in battle by Olympius and Diabolico.
Lightspeed Solarzord:
               A fusion of the Lightspeed Megazord and the Max Solarzord. This megazord could absorb solar energy and convert it into energy to fire from its side-mounted cannons.
LifeForce Megazord: The LifeForce Megazord was a black version of the Lightspeed Solarzord. This megazord, however, ran off the rangers very lifeforce energy, causing this megazord to be much more powerful than any other. The rangers destroyed it when it was taken over by Batlings.


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