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"That's one down...only a gazillion more to go..."

         Zhane is Andros' best friend from KO-35 and was badly injured while trying to fight off Dark Specters invasion of their home planet. Thus, he was cryogenically frozen to be kept alive. While making an emergency land on a barren planet, locals attacked the Megaship and caused Zhane's cryo tube to go offline, and making Andros detect Zhane's life force was gone. Little did he know, Zhan was alive, and he made quick work of the monsters. Zhane's weapon is the Super Silverizer, and he needed to recharge his powers with lightning after being frozen for too long. He also has a motorcycle called the Silver Cycle, which can also become a Galaxy Glider. He often had the best ideas, like shown below, he dressed up as the non-existent Psycho Silver. Zhane's where abouts are unknown, but it is presumed he resides on Earth, as he did not return to help the Lost Galaxy rangers.
